Saturday, 5 May 2018 to Sunday, 30 September 2018
@ Warrnambool Art Gallery
26 Liebig St, Warrnambool 3280

'Once Women Won the Vote' is a colourful mural on the facade of the Warrnambool Art Gallery that pays tribute to the everyday women involved in the 1891 Women’s Suffrage Petition who courageously fought for women’s’ rights, suffrage as well as social and legislative reform that would allow many Victorians the right to self-determination, agency and justice; a profound legacy that continues today.
Her Place Women’s Museum Australia is participating in the exhibition, Once Women won the Vote held at Warrnambool Art Gallery.
Her Place’s contribution features filmed interviews with 10 Victorian women, an accompanying booklet and curriculum-linked educational resources.
We are also delivering a Teachers’ Professional Development and Student Education Tour. Please see our Education page for more details.
This project was made possible by the generous support of Womens Health and Wellbeing Barwon Southwest, Warrnambool City Council Health and Wellbeing, The Victorian Women's Trust, Dulux Warrnambool and Her Place Women's Museum Australia.
Women profiled in the exhibition
Pat Bigham AFSM
Poultry farmer and CFA volunteer
Paola Balla
Artist and activist
Pat Bigham AFSM
Poultry farmer and CFA volunteer
The Hon. Joan Kirner AC
Former premier of Victoria
Val Lang AM
Farmer and agricultural mentor
Halima Mohamed
Somali community leader
Brigitte Muir OAM
First Australian woman to climb Mt Everest
Alice Pung
Writer and lawyer
Peta Searle
Assistant Coach
St Kilda Football Club
Gweneth Wisewould
Trentham-based doctor from 1938-72
Diane Wright
Founder of residential community hospices